Cute entertainment, animations with cute characters, Roxy & Cloud and more. Made to protect 🐺✊ Este canal se ha creado para proteger a nuestros espectadores. Las amenazas serán expuestas. NO dejes que este sueño muera, protege a nuestros hijos. Banner drawings by inspired by Chicatchou, Thank you ♥ Este Canal Nunca te pedirá datos personales, ni tampoco busca insultar a nadie, así que no te dejes engañar por conversaciones falsas. --Not affiliated with any negative groups like KeepValdroxXAlive (KVA) 🐝 This Channel will never ask you for personal information, nor does it seek to insult anyone, so don't be fooled by false conversations. Channel made to avoid impersonators and expose predators gemproject.carrd.co Gem Project Official 2024